Perkin Elmer Clarus 600T GCMS System
£14,995 Sold

Excluding VAT

This reconditioned Perkin Elmer Clarus 600T GC/MS System features:

  • Fastest available GC heat-up and cool-down conventional oven providing increased sample throughput
  • Fast scan speeds of up to 65 scans/second and 12,500 amu/sec
  • Wide mass range of 1-1200 u
  • Concurrently run SIM and scan mode
  • Plug & play ion source
  • System stays cleaner longer - pre-quad removes undesirable contamination before the main analytical quadrupole
  • Integrated 82 vial position autosampler for unattended operation
  • TurboMass Software and PC

 As with all our reconditioned instruments, the system comes with a 3 month parts and labour warranty.


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Perkin Elmer Clarus 600T GCMS System

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